Thursday, February 25, 2010


I had the chance to be COMPLETELY in charge of lil' sis while my parents and little bros went to Disney World. (under my grandpa's supervision of course!) I don't have any pictures of the experience 'cause mom took the camera with her on her trip so you should check out her blog 'cause she'll probably blog about it. She's a really good blogger.

So any ways what I'm saying is that I was in charge of her for a LONG time! (it makes me feel sooooooooooooo responsible!) So I asked my mom if I could an award. She gave me two options, getting every block of my color (you should know what blocks are if you've been following my blog) or to go on an activity with her. Easy chose...... ACTIVITY!!!!!! So last night we went to go eat at "Brixx Pizza"and to see "The Tooth Fairy".

It was an extra awesome night!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Roller Coaster Day

Today was a roller coaster day. It was good and bad.

First I couldn't find my watch! So what was I going to use to time my shower? I ran up to my dad and asked him if I could use his wireless alarm clock. He said yes. I hopped in the shower and as soon as I turned on the water the clock fell! I tried to fix it and failed. So now I owe dad money for a new alarm clock and mom money for a peppermint pattie.

Then, later that afternoon I had just finished a craft. (five minutes later). "NO!" I had just sat on the craft! I quickly pulled off my pants and ran to the laundry room. Of course my totally immature brothers screamed "OHH! Michaela's in underpants! OHH!" I ran to get the "Instant Stain Gel for All Your Stain Needs" which of course was empty!

So we just threw my jeans in the wash hoping for a miracle. And we got one! I am very thankful for washing machines!

And the look of my art is kinda better now except for the fact that I swished the "n" and my name.
Speaking of look I did a new hairstyle today! Check it out! I am very thankful for hairdryers and curling irons! (and shampoo and showers, if we didn't have those it would be a really gross world)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Cooking!

Today, early in the morning, I decided to make a cooking show. There's three videos, I hope you enjoy them.. Feel free to fast forward while I'm filling up muffin pans or unloading muffins. Please enjoy,"Happy Cooking!"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day!

I woke up Sunday morning and glanced over at my calendar. It said...... "February 14 Valentine's Day". Hooray! It was Valentine's Day. I quickly got dressed and got into the car and on my way to church. I remembered to bring the Valentine's I had made for all my church friends. They looked like this,

Then, after church I ran and got my family Valentine's. Everyone received one little zip-lock baggy of Valentine's from me. These are the Valentine's I got,
I also got this really yummy chocolate lollipop!

It was a very awesome day! I hope you had a really great Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Art Show

Today I made an art show! The idea first came into my mind when Luke, Gabe, and I were painting. We each entered two paintings, one or two oil pastel drawings, and Luke and I entered one "Random Rambling". Finally, after several days of drawing, gluing, and painting, came the day that we would set up the art show, TODAY! I borrowed my mom's painting easel and a small table and the small chairs that go with it to set up the art show.

And so that they could easily find the art show I made signs with arrows on the computer.
Everyone had their own "station". I was next to the easel,

Luke was next to one of the chairs, and Gabe was behind the table!

We decided that we would sell them for money, but when our mom came in to see the art show she said that our prices were too expensive. (the highest price was $1.50) So instead she suggest that we pay in blocks. Blocks are these little blocks that we have to earn to watch TV, go on the computer, or play video games. We earn blocks by doing thirty minutes of activity. Each block is worth 15 minutes. So we cashed in on that.

Shortly after my mom came back with the bag of blocks, and that's when an "incident" happened and she ran out. If I tell you the incident you'll probably get really grossed out so I'm not going to. So after that I sanitized everything with disinfectant spray and took a shower so she would come back and...... it worked! And she brought dad back with her! All of the paintings sold as soon as they walked in! It was very successful!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Ok, I told you that I would post the video of Me and Luke sledding. Well, Here it is!