Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 5

Ok so if you read my last post you know that I'm trying to break a bad habit.....nail biting (ewwwww!!!!) And that scientist think it takes 31 days to stop a habit. So here I am.... day 5.

haa It might help if you ignore the face.

Its been 5 days that I haven't bitten my nails!!!!!! hahahah

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The 31 Day Goal

So I have a bad habit. We all do! Mine is nail-biting. (ewwwww!!!) So I found out that it takes 31 days to stop a habit, so here I go!! Here we are day 2 :

Look at how short and bitten up and jagged these are!!

They aren't even half an inch long!!

My Goal is for in 31 days to...
Have long strong nails
That are not bitten
or jagged. I'll keep you posted on my proggress!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Iron Age.... Bringing you back to 1800 BC

For school the other day I preformed a skit about the Iron age. It was called..... "The Iron Age.... Bringing you back to 1800 BC" I think it turned out pretty well. There was costumes, at set, and I was even hitting a massive rock with a hammer! LOL!

The Skit in action!

The Iron Age.....Bringing you back to 18o0 BC
The Iron Age was a historical time where almost every cutting tool or weapon was mainly made of iron. The iron age was caused by changes in society, agricultural practices, religious beliefs, and artistic styles. Before the iron age there was the bronze age/ Bronze was used instead of iron because of its lower melting point. People started using iron in 1800 BC when for some unknown reason bronze was very scarce.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kings Island

Hey! So this post is about Kings Island. Two weeks ago, I went on a trip with the middle schoolers at our church to Kings Island and I rode the ride with the biggest drop in the park! I'll post pics soon!