Ok, I know you want to know why I was grounded, well, here you go. It all started when my mom decided to take lunch to people. I had to babysit. Babysitting is not my favorite activity, especially when I'm babysitting Jaden.
Most of you know Jaden. To you he's sweet, adorable, lovable. This is only half of Jaden's personality. Here's the other half, rude, loud, obnoxious, does what he wants when he wants. And worst of all, he pees all over the place if you don't help him go to the bathroom!
So anyway, I was babysitting Jaden. Luckily, he fell asleep, so I got really bored. I decided instead of school, why don't I color a crazy rash on his leg!! WARNING: IT THIS IDEA COMES INTO YOUR BRAIN NEVER EVER DO IT!!!!! Unfortunately, I did it. After I finished the rash I decided to wash it off. Worst idea ever! He wouldn't go near the water but I got soaked!!!! Just imagine my mom when she got home!!! That is why I was grounded.
A few days later he was in nursery at our church and when my mom came to pick him up the teachers where like, "Look at this rash!! Where did it come from?" Apparently, I did a good job!