Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

I made this free Christmas card on Picnik.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Before and After

I loved this so much I just had to put in on here:) Wanna make a picture goofy?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sol's Bow

So I decided I would put a bow on Sol's head....

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Teeth are good for so many things. Smiling, brushing, biting, and opening wide!

In the past twelve years I have lost many teeth and kept all of them. They are all in a shoebox in my drawer.

As you can see from above I even put the date on the baggies.

Some teeth are in great condition,

Others, not so much,
But putting aside all my teeth-Gabe lost his first tooth on my birthday! (I'll post my birthday post later)

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Christmas Ornament

I gotta new Christmas ornament and it's really awesome. Here's what it does.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas Time is Here

Christmas Christmas Time is Here

Time for joy and time for cheer

We've been good but we can't last

Hurry Christmas hurry fast.

Want a plane that loops the loop

Me I want a hula hoop

We can hardly stand to wait

Please Christmas don't be late

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

When It Exploded

So ya know those cool little water wiggler things....

Well while I was at the Fall Retreat my team won and I got one as a prize. It didn't last long though. I was messing around with Ben sitting by my mesh trash can when I held some sewing scissors up to it. (I didn't know how thin it was!) It popped. Blue water went everywhere!!
So if you look at my nifty little collage below, (I make all my collages and words on the pictures on picnik.) You will see the steps I used to clean it up.

Step one- pour water and soap into the spot and scrub hard. Step two- dry with a towel and then blow dry the rug. Step three- clean surrounding objects (such as mesh trash cans) with a damp towel. Step four- check out your clean rug!!

I hope those help you if you ever get stuff on your rug! lol. Also, this special post comes with a lesson, Water Wigglers Are Dangerous!!!! lol

Friday, November 19, 2010

An Interesting Dinner

So tonight I made my own dinner. I was gonna just make pasta, which I normally do when I cook alone. But something caught my eye in the pantry. It was perfect.

Thats right. Rice and Pasta Salad. Although it tasted a bit plain, it filled me up. I also got the boys to help me. We had a lot of fun. Even Sarah did. You never know, it might be a classic one day:)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Socks

I went shopping today and got some really cool aloe socks with vitamin e!!! Check them out!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Baby

Here is the new baby Sol. He was born Sunday at 2:25 a.m. :)

Jonathan Sol Williams

Me and Sol

Friday, October 29, 2010

Birthdays Birthdays All Around! part dos

Here's Gabe's birthday......

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthdays Birthdays All Around! part uno

kk so its been gabe and sarahs bdays!!!! heres for sarahs bday next post is gabes!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blogging for 1 year and 11 days!

Ok so I wanted to blog on my 1 year blog anniversary but I kinda missed that so now I'm blogging on my 1 year 11 day anniversary! I'm soo glad it's fall! Fall is my favorite season! Well I don't really know what to post oh wait I know! Remember my 31 day goal that I completed and how I didn't paint my nails the whole time? Well I painted them! :D

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I DID IT!! I BROKE MY HABIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have a little bit of work to do but I went 31 whole days without braking my nails!!!!! Yayayayayaya!!!

I'M SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Day of Fall :)

Today is like my favorite day ever!! (well besides Christmas and my birthday and the first day of summer and Easter and alot of other days) Well are you wondering what day it is? Um wait no you are not because you read the post name!! Today is the first day of a pretty little season named Fall!!! I LOVE FALL!!!!!! Here's 5 super awesome things about Fall!!!!

1. a whole bunch of colorful leaves fall down!! It's like tye dye snow!!!!
2. Thanksgiving!! Such a fun holiday!! I love holidays!
3. the weather is epic!!!!
4. it just makes me happy and in a better mood.
5. I don't know I'm running out of ideas....

So anyways I LOVE FALL!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nail-biting, Encounter, and Shutterfly Scrapbooks!

I only have 5 days left on my 31 day goal! That means I haven't bitten my nails for 29 days! woo hoo! Ha I was gonna use a calculator but I figured it out my self! yay!

I just got back from Middle School Encounter. It was a lot of fun! Encounter is when the middle schoolers from our church get to go to someones house and eat dinner and play games and hang out. It was really fun! I don't have any pictures though. :(

I got my Shutterfly Scrapbook in the mail the other day! It's soo cool! I even got it on this special offer where you get the scrapbook free (not including s&h) !!!!! It's super awesome!! In my next post I'll post some pictures of it It's soo cool!!!!

Well that's all for now my Drama Llama readers! Talk to you later!!:)))

Thursday, September 16, 2010

100 DAYS!!!

Just in case your wondering no, not 100 days of no nail biting. whew. But 100 (or centi) days till CHRISTMAS!!!!!! YAYAYAY! I love Christmas! It's the best holiday, we give gifts but the best part is the real gift.....Jesus!! Can't wait!!!!!!! I love snow too!!! ttyl!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nailbiting Stopping Will Continue

So I'm super exhausted but I can give you an update on my Nail biting Success. By the way everyone, thanks for the encouragement!:) ok so here we are!!!!! PICTURES! awww the webcam is not working right now......:'( so how bout....... Ok so when I complete the goal I'm gonna buy nail-polish!! (I haven't painted my nails at all through the goal) I'm planning on getting the nice little 99 cent "bon bons". They have some pretty cool colors and just for 99 cents! woo hoo!


So I'll be posting pics as soon as I get the web cam back up! See ya!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

King's Island Pictures! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

My New Room!

Ok so interrupting the "nail-biting case" real quick, which by the way is going fabulous. We have been re-doing my room and now it's done! It looks sooo pretty!

Isn't it?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 5

Ok so if you read my last post you know that I'm trying to break a bad habit.....nail biting (ewwwww!!!!) And that scientist think it takes 31 days to stop a habit. So here I am.... day 5.

haa It might help if you ignore the face.

Its been 5 days that I haven't bitten my nails!!!!!! hahahah

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The 31 Day Goal

So I have a bad habit. We all do! Mine is nail-biting. (ewwwww!!!) So I found out that it takes 31 days to stop a habit, so here I go!! Here we are day 2 :

Look at how short and bitten up and jagged these are!!

They aren't even half an inch long!!

My Goal is for in 31 days to...
Have long strong nails
That are not bitten
or jagged. I'll keep you posted on my proggress!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Iron Age.... Bringing you back to 1800 BC

For school the other day I preformed a skit about the Iron age. It was called..... "The Iron Age.... Bringing you back to 1800 BC" I think it turned out pretty well. There was costumes, at set, and I was even hitting a massive rock with a hammer! LOL!

The Skit in action!

The Iron Age.....Bringing you back to 18o0 BC
The Iron Age was a historical time where almost every cutting tool or weapon was mainly made of iron. The iron age was caused by changes in society, agricultural practices, religious beliefs, and artistic styles. Before the iron age there was the bronze age/ Bronze was used instead of iron because of its lower melting point. People started using iron in 1800 BC when for some unknown reason bronze was very scarce.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kings Island

Hey! So this post is about Kings Island. Two weeks ago, I went on a trip with the middle schoolers at our church to Kings Island and I rode the ride with the biggest drop in the park! I'll post pics soon!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things Coming Up

Things coming up on The Adventures of a Drama Llama............

1. Kings Island Trip

2. Middle School

3. My NEW Room!!

Keep checking my blog!

ttyl peeps

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Words

Sarah has learned to say many new words! It's so sweet! To see more click here

Saturday, July 10, 2010

News, Pics, And Extreme Awesomeness :))

So the news is it's a boy. (i know, gasp!)

So I worked really hard and got this awesome new pic..... I know it's not really that awesome but still.....

Extreme Awesomeness :))

We are painting my room soon!!!!! Can't wait to upload pics! ttyl my peeps!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Big Sister's Sayings

I have a new blog. Big Sister's Sayings! I got the idea from Good Luck Charlie, a new show on TV. So Check it out

Monday, June 21, 2010

Behind.......the tissue

Sorry I've been behind in blogging. But I've also been behind the tissue. That's right, I have a cold! My nose is red, I've been sneezing like crazy, not to mention I have to blow my nose every ten seconds
But I remember I did tell you I would blog about birthdays and summer camps but our main computer is down so I don't have any birthday pics and I'm using camp pictures from facebook. First up.... Birthdays!

So first is Ben's bday. He turned 13 (oh great!) and I got him some sunglasses.

So last is Jaden's bday. He turned 4 (the terrible fours! or is is the terrible twos?) and I got him some sunglasses too. Up Next.... camp!

So a few 4-5th graders from our church drove up to Kentucky with Miss Amber, Ms. Sue, and Mr. Berry to arrive at Centri Kid Camp. We stayed at Cambellsville University College. When we got there we learned about our tracks. Our tracks are the classes we would take. We each got to take two classes. Mine were drama and cooking! In drama we learned a skit and acting exercises! In cooking we made cookie monsters!

We also had OMC which stands for Organized Mass Chaos. Here's a picture.

Anyways stay healthy! And try not to get the cold!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

TV Girl

So we all knew this day was coming........

Just Kidding! With a webcam a little editing I made it look like I was on TV! So my next post is gonna be about birthdays and summer camps! "Stay Tuned" hahahahahaha

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Haircut Part Two

Ok so the hair turned out great!!! Here's a few of the pics!
My hair getting cut

Half way there!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Haircut Part One

I'm getting my haircut tomorrow!!! And tomorrow I'll post the before/after pics but tonight I'm gonna post the pic of what I want my hair to look like! It's the pic above all these words so anyways see ya tommorow!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogs And Songs And Small Groups

I have three things to blog about today and I'll start with blogs!

First, I have a new blog, it's not like I'm obsessed with blogs or anything, but this blog is different. It's a blog about me and Sarah's adventures together, so she can read everything we did when she's like nine and I'm in college. To read this blog click here.

Next is songs. We did this awesome song in church today and I love it! (ba da da da daaa im lovin it!) Here's how the chorus goes,

I will go, I will go, I will go Lord send me
To the world, to the lost, to the poor and hungry
Take everything I am, I'm clay within your hands
I will go

Isn't that a great song! To see the rest click here

So now all we have left is Small Groups. Every-other Saturday we have Small Group. It's were a couple of families from church meet up for a bible study. So last night we had it, and we had some broken toes! One of the kids in our small group ran into a wall and broke his toes! Small groups and be pretty interesting sometimes.

So anyways now that you read my blog, click here Just Kidding!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Smooth World Of Shaving

I finally got sick of my furry legs. So, we went to Walmart and got me my very own razor and shaving cream!!
I haven't cut my self once! Now the next thing I need to do is tan........

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stinkin' Ole May Day

You know, May Day really stinked this year. It was so rainy. Too rainy. In fact, as I sit here eating macaroni and typing on this mini laptop, there's a few inches of water in our back yard. Just leave it to dumb ole rain. Well, anyways... I have a super awesome post coming up!!!!!!!!!! So stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mission Trip

Here's the pictures from the mission trip! (Thank you Jessie for the pictures off of facebook!!)

At the food bank

All us awesome people!!!

At the baseball game!

It was a great experience and I'm very happy that in a little more than three months I'll be in the middle school group!! :-D