Here's a brief explanation of almost everything we did...
We arrived at the college around two or so on Wednesday after a lunch at the mall. Then we immediately got the keys to our dorms and went to go put our luggage away. After that we went to the church building on the college campus for worship. Then we spent the rest of the day just getting settled and such.

The next day we got up early for morning celebration and worship and then left around 10:00 to go do mission work. My group worked at a backyard VBS for the kids at Greenwood Terrace. We colored with chalk, played on the playground, played basketball, played kickball, did arts and crafts, did face paint, and even did a giant parachute toy!

We always had a few hours of free time each day.

Then we went back to worship, then to late night party in the cafeteria, and then to our dorms, and then stayed up half the night! (:
That was pretty much the exact same schedule for the next three days.
Then on the last day, we got up, ate breakfast, went to our church group bible study and to worship, then went home. It was a great week! I had over 500 pictures! Wish I could have posted them all! (: HAPPY SUMMER!
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