It started two years ago, at the kitchen table. My mother, my father, my older brother, my younger brother, and I were at the table reading World Vision magazine about how kid's around the world don't have any clean water to drink! How would you feel if you had NO clean water at all. You would have to drink gross muddy water with worms, bugs, and germs in it. This water makes the victims terribly sick and alot of them die! One of the sicknesses that gross me out the most is called, "Guinea Worm". With this horrible sickness the victim grows a worm inside their body. When the worm is fully grown and is ready to come out it must come out just right or it will go back into the body. To learn more about this crises visit the World Vision website.

Now that you know about it I'll tell you what we did about it. We started an organization called,"Together We CAN Make a Difference". We collect aluminum cans and recycle them and then we use the money from recycling to build water wells in Africa. When our church hosted "Step Into Africa" I told about 1000 people that sentence and the response was either, "Oh My Gosh! That's amazing! I'll bring you my cans!!" or it was "Cool. Bye." That was the response that made me think, "what is wrong with you? don't you care?" But I've found out that a ton of people care! We have raised 700 lbs. of cans!!!! That's alot of money! To learn more about our awesome organization check out our awesome website, Together We CAN Make a Difference
If you love soda please bring us your cans. To give us the cans check our website for information.
Please comment on my blog about what you think about this organization.
I think Together We CAN Make a Difference is an incredible organization! You guys are such an inspiration to all and lives are changed because of your willingness to help. Keep collecting those cans!
ReplyDeleteMiss seeing you and Ben everyday! Hope things are going well
- nikki