About thirty minutes later, I grabbed my coat, gloves, earmuffs, and pillow and hopped into the car. There was no traffic, so the car ride was not that long. Even though it was very cold outside, I was warm with my coat over me like a blanket and my head on my pillow.
Once we finally arrived at Grandpa and Grandma's house in Memphis, Tennessee, I took off my coat and we stayed for a while. The warm house smelled like coffee and her famous pound cake Grandma was baking for us. After a little while it was time to go. My grandpa drove my dad and me to the Fed-Ex Forum and dropped us off. We hopped out of the car and walked up to the ticket line. After buying tickets, we went to find out seats.

As the game began the whole arena turned dark. There were a bunch of blue and white lights flashing around the room. With "The Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background, the announcer named all of Memphis' players. We even got to see the players' pictures on the big screen!
Memphis played a great and exciting game, and they even won!!

After the game Grandpa picked us up and we went sight-seeing and to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch. I love the seating there! Some seats are in a bus and one is a telephone booth! We sat next to the bus; the food and service was great!!
After lunch we headed back to Grandpa and Grandma's house and ate some of that delicious pound cake! YUM!!! We spent the rest of the day with them. It was the perfect ending to our daddy-daughter day!

I had a great time too Kayla!! I hope we can make this a yearly tradition.