Friday night I had two of my friends spend the night. It was a bunch of fun! We curled our hair, stayed up 'till 4:30 a.m, watched "American Idol" (one of my favorite shows!!!), and of played "Pretty Pretty Princess". ('cause that's what all the 11 year old girls play now a day. don't you know?)

We also decorated a pillow case with fabric paint. Isn't it so cute?

Now we move on to Sunday, time to blog about picture frames! My mom had gotten me a cute little heart picture frame, the kind you can paint!! I painted it purple with white polka dots, then I added sparkly silver paint around the boarder.

Now it's time to blog about butterflies. I was cleaning out one of the drawers in my room and I found these cute paper butterflies. I used my masking tape to put them on my wall. Don't they look great?!

Love you guys - looks like a very fun night!