I was in my room laying on my bed doing a math test, then I heard it, "Whaa! Whaa! Whaa!", the crying of a young boy. I hopped off of my bed and walked into Jaden's room. He was laying on the ground crying and Ben was sitting next to him. If you know Jaden then you know that he has horrible mood swing, and I mean horrible! So about two seconds later he stopped crying and started laughing really hard. Then he walked over to his toy box, grabbed a few toys and threw them at Ben and I. Ben and I jumped into his crib for protection as he walked into the hallway to get another toy. Ben suddenly got the idea that I should cover him with a blanket, make him look like a giant pillow and then pretend I'm asleep. I did. As soon as Jaden walked back into the room with a plastic screwdriver I pretended to be fast asleep. Apparently he believed us because after a couple of tries to hit us with toys he went into his own fantasy world and left the room. Then Luke and Gabe walked in and suggested that I make a giant fort in the crib and make it look like there were a bunch of stuffed animals under the blanket. (Time out! I usually never do anything like that with them because they always make a giant mess. I don't know what on earth got into me) After alot of work this is what a got. (the basketball goal canopy was Luke's idea)

After it was done Luke, Gabe, and Ben jumped in there to wrestle! Oh, Brothers!

This is what it looked like once they were done! Afterward, Ben and I cleaned the room very quickly before my mom could see the mess! It was alot of fun! (not the cleaning, building the fort)

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